Barnes and Noble College announces grants to programs across University

宾州大学公园. — In a long-standing partnership with Penn State, 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院——一家经营欧博体育官网书店的巴恩斯和诺布尔教育公司——授予了2023-24年的补助金,以支持整个大学的一系列项目和倡议. Since the company launched the grant program in 2015, more than $1.2 million has been awarded to priorities that offer direct benefit to the University community, with a focus on programs related to books and reading. 今年, the grant program distributed $139,000 across 12 University initiatives from eight Penn State campuses. 

“We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Barnes and Noble,” said Margo DelliCarpini, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor at Penn State. “在支持我们学生的经济需求方面,这些助学金将在整个英联邦产生如此积极的影响, generating engagement opportunities and creating an inspiring impact at our colleges and campuses.” 

To target its investments for maximum impact across Penn State’s colleges and campuses, 巴恩斯与诺布尔学院通过企业参与中心(Corporate Engagement Center)宣布赠款计划,并促进资金申请和奖励. This latest call for proposals resulted in 24 requests. 

“我们很高兴能够支持一系列有助于宾州州立大学学生体验更有价值和有益的举措,” said Jennifer Guyer, general manager of the Penn State Bookstore.  

The following initiatives were selected to receive funding: 

Penn State Berks Common Reading Program 

  • 欧博体育官网伯克分校的公共阅读项目旨在向学生介绍大学的学术环境,并为一年级学生提供积极的阅读体验, 强调阅读是大学生活不可或缺的一部分,并培养一年级学生的社区意识. 

Penn State Fayette Barnes and Noble STEM Camp 

  • 欧博体育官网费耶特分校的继续教育办公室为9-12年级的高中生提供STEM训练营. 去年, in addition to the traditional high school camp, it launched a 3-day STEM camp for middle school students in grades 6–8. Previous camps were attended by students who represented homeschooling, 网络, private and public schools.   

Penn State Great Valley Barnes and Noble Engagement Series 

  • 欧博体育官网谷地分校Barnes and Noble Engagement Series的建立旨在通过为本地学生提供一系列活动和教育机会来增强学生体验,并为国际学生提供与其他研究生互动的机会. 

Penn State Harrisburg Celebrating Diverse Voices Through Poetry 

  • 这次公开讲座和学生研讨会的目的是邀请一位获奖诗人在2024年春季到欧博体育官网哈里斯堡分校. The program overall promotes a heightened awareness of literature and its relevancy in society, 培养对不同声音和故事的鉴赏力,促进跨文化联系. 

宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 Sustainability Committee Book Club 

  • 读书俱乐部邀请学生们阅读一本关于蒙托托地区可持续发展主题的精选书籍. The club also has opportunities for faculty and staff to participate in reading the same literature. 

宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 Wellness Series 

  • 欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校的学生将被邀请参加一个四节课的系列研讨会,在那里他们将学习健康的重要方面,包括处理抑郁症, 焦虑, 学术压力, 测试的担忧, 健康营养, 锻炼, healthy relationships, 睡眠卫生, 预防自杀, 财务状况, 药物滥用. 

Penn State Schuylkill Textbook and Scholarship Funds 

  • 入选的学生将有机会获得礼品卡和奖学金,用于购买教科书, supplies and more at the campus bookstore and increase their chances of academic success. 


  • 欧博体育官网在职天文学研讨会(PSIWA)旨在帮助高中和一些中学教师更自信、更有效地教育学生关于天文学的前沿话题, physics and technology, thereby growing the number of college-ready, STEM-proficient students in 宾西法尼亚 and beyond. 

Penn State 大学公园 – College of Engineering’s Engineering Ahead (Abington/Berks) 

  • 欧博体育官网阿宾顿分校和欧博体育官网伯克分校的“工程前沿”项目始于2016年,是美国国家科学基金会资助的一个项目,旨在解决全国对STEM劳动力多样化的需求. “超前工程”的目标是增加来自工程领域代表性不足的社区的学生的招聘和保留. 

Penn State 大学公园 – Outreach, Sokolov-Miller Financial Wellness Bookshelf 

  • Sokolov-Miller家庭财务和生活技能中心将在大学公园投资创建一个财务健康书架,并在19个联邦校区提供卫星书架,并为世界校区的学生提供一个在线书架. 这个书架将是一个资源,学生可以通过选择他们感兴趣的主题的免费书籍来探索他们财务生活的不同方面. 

Penn State 大学公园 – Outreach, Family Literacy with WPSU! 

  • Funding will cover book purchases — for children, young adults and adults — that focus on the importance of learning about Native American culture; the shared focus on this subject will enable families to read and learn together.   

Penn State 纽约 Nittany Scholars Program 

  • 欧博体育官网约克分校的尼塔尼欧博体育官网计划是一个机会和成功计划,旨在支持有能力的学生, 出于各种原因, 可能没有资源或社会特权,他们需要提供他们的成功在他们的大学经历.  It reinforces the Penn State values of integrity, 尊重, 责任, 发现, excellence and community. 

2024 grant applications 

The next round of grant applications will open on May 1, 2024, and close on May 31, 2024. 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院对听取与书籍或阅读有关的课程特别感兴趣, have ties to Penn State campuses, 专注于欧博体育官网学生或当地社区有金融或金融相关需求,并有可能参与当地巴恩斯和诺布尔学院校园书店. Contact Beth Colledge, director of corporate engagement, at (电子邮件保护) for more information about the grant program or awards. 

像巴恩斯和诺布尔学院这样的捐助者推动了哈佛大学历史性的赠地使命,即服务和领导. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 病人, and communities across the commonwealth and around the world. Learn more by visiting 提高.事业单位.edu

About the Corporate Engagement Center 

企业参与中心将欧博体育官网的行业合作伙伴与研究和开发的战略机会联系起来, 慈善事业, and talent recruitment. Brought together in 2019, the center serves as a hub for industry/University relationships, supporting companies as they navigate the vast resources of Penn State. The team is here to help build lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. 

企业参与中心是研究高级副校长办公室和大学发展办公室的联合倡议, working in partnership with Career Services.